Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thing 4: Commenting!

Commenting helps create a sense of community because everyone is interacting with each other. By commenting on someone else's blog, you can let them know what you think about their post. You can also comment on someone's blog to give them advice on a problem they may be having such as  they're having a problem with a student in the classroom, you might be able to tell them how you delt with the same situation. Like the articles said, comenting lets someone know that their blog is being read and someone is interested in what they have to say. I also learned that commenting is a way to sort of put your blog out there as well. When you comment on someone else's blog, if you mention your own, someone is likely to go look at it.

I chose to comment on 23 Clark Things...Words to Live by by Kelci Clark. I commented on her blog specifically because she said she had an easy time with creating her blog. When I commented I told her that I was glad she had an easy time creating hers because mine was difficult and confusing. I also told her that I like the way that she had titled her blog because it was very creative and that when I named mine, I couldn't come up with anything creative.

The next blog I chose to comment on was Bellofatto's Blog by Sammantha Bellofatto. I commented on her blog because I liked the ways that she had said she could use her blog. She had said that she could use her blog for her students parents and students as well. When I commented, I told her I liked the idea of both parents and students being able to use the blog because it would give the parents information and it would also expose the students to blogs and how they work. She also had mentioned that she didn't know where technology would fit in in the future classroom, I told her I agreed with her, but I'm sure that future classrooms will be even more filled with technology.

I then chose to comment on Blair Evans' Blair's 23 Things.  commented on her blog about web 2.0 tools. I chose to comment on this post specifically because I haven't looked into too many web 2.0 tools yet, and she made a few statements that caught my attention. When I commented I told her that I hadn't looked at too many web 2.0 tools, but that I agreed with her about future classrooms truly embracing these tools. I also told her that I believe the reason for this is because students are always more interested in what they know, and the internet and technology  are definitly part of children's interests.

Shanna's 23 things by Doshanna Richards was the next blog I chose to comment on. I commented on her post about Flickr and how you can use it in the classroom. I chose her blog because I really liked the way she used all the different applications of the site. In my comment I told her how I liked the different activities she had come up with and that by doing all the different things she's using the site to its full potential.

Technology and Teaching with Mrs. Crouch by Kayla Crouch was the last blog I commented on. I chose her post about Google simply because I had no idea that Google can do all the things she talked about! It was crazy how much I learned just by reading her post. When commenting, I told her that I honestly had no idea that Google could do all those things, but at the same time I now know that it's a great source for planning and other things, other than just looking something up!

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