Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing 3: Future Blog Uses!

In my future education program I could use a blog to learn about ways other future teachers are getting prepared to teach. In my future classroom I could have a classroom blog for the parents to look at with weekly assignments and pictures from activities the students had done. I could also use the blog to post important worksheets or tools for parents to use at home with their children.

Thing 2: Blogging is not so easy!

When I was creating my blog, I knew that I didn't want to post my entire name, so I decided to shorten it to my first initial and last name. When choosing my URL I decided to use APSU future teacher because that is what I am. Creating the blog was some what complicated. I've never used a blog before, so I didn't know much about using it. Creating the avatar got a little confusing since it is on a different site and you have to transfer the information. I decided to create an avatar that looks like me. Since this is my blog, I wanted it to represent me and what I actually look like.

Thing 1: Life Long Learning!

The easiest learning habbit for me would be to have the end in mind. I'm a goal setter. I like to know what I'm working. I like to break things down into steps, so I know that after each step, I'm a little bit closer to my final goal. The hardest learning habbit for me woud be to have confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. When I'm learning something I always wonder if I'm retaining the right information and if I'm focusing on the real key points. I always seem to get it somehow, but the entire time I wonder if the information I have is correct and if I've used it the right way.