Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing 2: Blogging is not so easy!

When I was creating my blog, I knew that I didn't want to post my entire name, so I decided to shorten it to my first initial and last name. When choosing my URL I decided to use APSU future teacher because that is what I am. Creating the blog was some what complicated. I've never used a blog before, so I didn't know much about using it. Creating the avatar got a little confusing since it is on a different site and you have to transfer the information. I decided to create an avatar that looks like me. Since this is my blog, I wanted it to represent me and what I actually look like.


  1. I can relate to you not wanting to list your full name on your blog. Have you ever tried googling yourself? You will be surprised at what comes up. I had stuff come up from things I have listed on Craigslist, Jeep Club membership etc. You probably know that employers and even colleges often times depend on search engines like google or social network sites like Facebook to find out intimate details about you. That was the first thing that came to mind when it came time to name my Blog.

  2. I can totally relate to being confused when it comes to creating the blog, even though the directions were very detailed it was and still is hard to figure out how everything works!

  3. I made my avatar to look like me as well! I think it is important to know who you are and be able to express it effectiviely. It will only help us in the long run!

  4. I agree that blogging can be complicated!! I'm not very good with technology and like you said, when it came to transfering the avatar from one website to another, I got a little confused. I think that this class will help with learning how to use technology and I could see myself using a blog to interact with my students and their parents.

  5. I understand exactly how you feel! When it comes to using unfamiliar technology such as blogs I often get confused with all of the information I have to keep up with. I also chose to have my avatar resemble myself, so that when people are looking at my blog they know it is me to whom they are replying. However, I believe learning how to blog more effectively will help me learn how to better communicate with other people in general.
