Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thing 18: Facebook!

Social media is now something that consumes almost everyone's lives, it is very important that teachers take advantage of this in the classroom. If educators know how social media works, they will be more apt to accept it and use it to it's full advantages. Teachers could create a classroom Facebook page and allow parents and students to join. The teacher could then add pictures of the class doing projects, activities or going on field trips. The teacher could also post about upcoming tests, assessments and any other important information. This is a  good way for parents to know what is going on in their child's classroom because every teacher will always have that student that looses the newsletter on the way home, or doesn't give it to their parents. The school itself could create a Facebook page to let parents or people in the community know about events the school is hosting or fundraisers. I really don't see a downside to either site. They both can be useful in the classroom, on top of the pure social aspect. Although I do think Facebook has the most useful features because it allows you to view everything that is going on all in one page. All in all, social media is a big thing already, if educators don't grab hold and use it to their advantage they're going to fall behind.

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