Monday, November 26, 2012

It's not the end! Only the beginning!

My favorite discovery exercise was creating the video. I really liked how easy it was and how it can be used in the classroom and for personal use. I also really enjoyed creating the signs and stuff for the classroom. They were super fun and you create one for anything. By completing this project my life long learning goals have altered quite a bit. Before I didn't strive to know about all the different technology available to me. Now that I have completed this project though, I really want to know about all the educational technology available to me. I want to be able to give my students the best education possible. I really think by completing this project I am on the track to do that. I was really surprised by how this project made me more interested in educational technology. The only thing I would change about the program would be maybe the uploading processes for the videos. Sometimes they can be super complicated and get very difficult to understand. This program has shown me that technology does have a place in the classroom today, and by the time that I get to teach in my own classroom, it will be even more prominent. I plan on keeping up with new web 2.0 tools by keeping up with the accounts that I've created during this project.

Thing 23: Creative Commons!

Thing 23 about creating commons is an example of something that has been altered from it's original format for educational purposes. It refers back to the original blog about creative commons. For creative commons in my future classroom, I plan on using it to enhance the learning environment for my students. I will use workbook pages that I feel will enhance my students understanding of a subject. Also, videos that will help me to enhance my students interest and understanding of material. Creative Commons really allows teachers to help their students I believe. By allowing teachers to use materials for their students it helps teacher not have to focus so much on if they are breaking the law or and lets them focus mainly on if their students are receiving the best information possible.

Thing 22: Livebinder!

Livebinder has endless options for the classroom! Teachers could have students create a study guide for their test and use livebinder as a way to compile all of their pages. Teachers could also have students split into groups and create their own projects on a certain area of something, then everyone can combine their binders to make a shelf. That way the entire class puts in different information to make one complete project on a subject. After that, the students could go through and look at everyone else's projects and see how they could improve their own and they could also use them as study guides.

Thing 21: Animoto!

Make your own photo slideshow at Animoto.

pcb 2012 I love Animoto! I really enjoyed getting to create my video. The site is very easy to use and allows you to make things the way you want them The only thing that was a little difficult for me was trying to embed the video, but other than that I love the site. I would really like to create videos for my personal use, of vacations or family functions. I also would really like to try to use this site in my classroom one day. Students could create a video about a person they are doing a project on or even a video on themselves to show to the class at the beginning of the year.

Thing 20: Youtube!

I really like YouTube because let's face it, you can find anything you want on there! There is such a variety of videos on the site that there are endless opportunities. I chose this video because it shows how school systems are really taking advantage of technology in the classroom. I also like how the students were interviewed to get their point of view on how they like using technology in the classroom. Teachers could use this site to show how math functions work or even show a short clip about a former president. YouTube is a very simple site to use, you just simply type in what kind of video you are looking for and it will give you a list of many different videos fitting your request.

Thing 19: More than Facebook!

<embed wmode="opaque" src="" FlashVars="backgroundColor=0xFFFFFF&textColor=0xFF1A45&" width="206" height="174" bgColor="#FFFFFF" scale="noscale" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=""> </embed><br /><small><a href="">Visit <em>TeacherPop</em></a></small><br />

Above is my badge for the Teacherpop site. I really enjoyed how it was set up at Austin Peay and how it was simple to use. I'm not a member of any other social networking site currently, but I really liked the Craftster's site. I enjoy doing crafts at home and there were tons of new ideas on there. I also really like it because it could be used in the classroom to find neat ideas for students to do. Also, it offers people a way to put their ideas out there for crafts. It also allows you to go back and edit what you have posted, that way if you come up with a tip, you can just add it to the original post.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thing 18: Facebook!

Social media is now something that consumes almost everyone's lives, it is very important that teachers take advantage of this in the classroom. If educators know how social media works, they will be more apt to accept it and use it to it's full advantages. Teachers could create a classroom Facebook page and allow parents and students to join. The teacher could then add pictures of the class doing projects, activities or going on field trips. The teacher could also post about upcoming tests, assessments and any other important information. This is a  good way for parents to know what is going on in their child's classroom because every teacher will always have that student that looses the newsletter on the way home, or doesn't give it to their parents. The school itself could create a Facebook page to let parents or people in the community know about events the school is hosting or fundraisers. I really don't see a downside to either site. They both can be useful in the classroom, on top of the pure social aspect. Although I do think Facebook has the most useful features because it allows you to view everything that is going on all in one page. All in all, social media is a big thing already, if educators don't grab hold and use it to their advantage they're going to fall behind.

Thing 17: Delicious!

Delicious definitely has it's place in the classroom. If students are working on a project this would be a great way for them to keep up with everything. By using this bookmarking site students could just bookmark something, then go on to the next thing they need to look at. After students had found all their information they needed they could go back and put it all together by getting all their bookmarks. This is a great way for teachers to take advantage of Delicious in the classroom. This could be used really anywhere though. At home people can use bookmarking site to do research on just about anything you can think of!

Thing 16: Organization is Key!

I chose the iGoogle start page, I liked how simple it was to create it. All I had to do was select my interests and it created the page for me. It allowed me to see the news, weather, humor and social media all at once. I don't think I will use this as my start page on my personal computer, but it would be a useful source for my future classroom computer.

Online calendars are super useful! If you create an online calendar, no matter where you are, you can see what you've planned. So if you leave your computer somewhere, you can access your calendar from your phone or another computer. Also, online calendars are great for teachers because if they are at home trying to plan for next week but they cannot remember what's going on, they can just log onto their online calendar and check it!

The online to do lists can be helpful, but a little too much work. If I'm going to make a do to list, I prefer to write it out and be able to see it and check each item off. This gives me just a little satisfaction that I've accomplished something on my list. They could be useful maybe for students who are working on a project and need to make sure they get each part done. They could create a to do list and make sure they accomplish each step.

The sticky notes tool could be used by teachers at home and at school. This tool would allow teachers to make notes or reminders for their school work, papers they need to grade or parents they need to call. They could also use it for personal reminders and put to do lists on them for home.

Thing 15: Wiki Wiki!

Wiki is a great tool to use in the classroom. You could have a classroom wiki site that every child can log onto and put what they thought about an assignment or how they like a certain activity. Teachers could also have their students make study groups, then each group would have their own Wiki page. As the unit goes on, students in the group can post different formulas or problems to the page, by the end, it can be like a study guide for each student. This way the students have a say in what they are posting, and it also keeps them involved. I thought that Wiki was a great tool for the classroom, but I didn't really care for the fact that anyone can create an account and change whatever they want.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thing 14: Going with the Flow!

The flowchart creator I chose to use was Gliffy. It was very easy to use and simple. Flowcharts allow students to put things together by steps. If students are learning the process of something, a flowchart would be perfect for them to see the steps seperated.

The mind map creator I chose to use was I chose this specific site becuase it allows you to jump right into brainstorming your ideas and puts them in a mind map. Mind maps are just maps of a persons thoughts about a specific topic. If a student was trying to write a paper about dogs, they could write down everything that comes to mind about dogs then look at a map of their thoughts.

A project I would do with my students would be to have them use a flow chart to organize how to write a sentence. Each step of building a proper sentence would be a differnt step of the flow chart. Once a student makes it all the way through the flowchart steps, they will have created a complete sentence.

Thing 13: Zoho Writer!

Zoho writer is a great web based application that allows you to do many things to better your papers or reports. A few of the interesting features of Zoho writer I liked were the upload/download tool, format painter and collaboration tools. The upload/download tool I thought was useful because it allows you to upload documents from the computer, other sources or by email to be edited by the Zoho tools. The second tool that I liked was the format painter, this tool allows you to apply the formatting of one section of a document to another section or the entire document. The last tool that I chose was the collaboration tool. I really liked this tool because it allows people to share documents with another person or group. The entire group can edit the document at the same time.
Students could use the collaboration tool in Google Docs in many different ways. Students who are working on a project together can share documents, pictures and spreadsheets between each other. This allows everyone to share the work equally. Studends could also use the collaboration tool to peer review each other's papers and leave comments.
I would prefer to use Zoho writer because I thought it was easier to use.All of the tools were clearly explained and listed. Google docs was somewhat confusing. It was vey hard for me to figure out how to share the drawing I created. I had to switch to the old view of Google docs to figure out how even work anything. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thing 12: Google Tools!

The first Google tool I chose was Google Alerts. It is a great way to get information and you don't even have to spend time searching for it! Every time something new is posted about the keywords that you submit you recieve an e-mail with that information. I think this is a great tool for teachers becuase instead of having to sit down for long periods of time and search for information on topics they can just recieve an e-mail any time something new is posted.

The second Google tool I chose was Google Translate. I've never heard of this tool before now and I'm not sure why becuase it is AWESOME! This tool would allow teachers to communicate with students or parents of students who don't speak english. If a teacher is sending home a news letter to the entire class this tool would allow the teacher to translate the letter into spanish or any other language for the students family to be able to read.

Thing 11: RSS Feeds For Me!

I like the method of looking for inspirational people because I like to know that the person who is posting this blog truly does care about what they are doing and that they are putting out accurate information. The Google Blog search worked the best for me. I liked how I could just type in exactly what I was looking for and it came up. I didn't really like the search. It never brought up blogs that I was looking for, just school in the Clarksville area. I found this awesome blog called Kindergarten Crayons. It's by a teacher who has been teaching Kindergarten for 25 years. She posts all kinds of activities that her class does and explains how she did them. I also really like just searching the Google reader because it comes up with almost the same results.

Thing 10: RSS Reader!

I really like how RSS readers allow you to recieve information from your favorite blogs and sites all in one place, that way you don't have to go searching through every single one of them for information. This could be an extremly powerful tool for a teacher because they have to ability to see everything that is new all in one page, and that is a huge time saver. RSS readers like Google Reader allow teachers to create a feed of information that is composed of just educational information. I could also use this in my personal life as a site to link all of my favorite blogs together, that way I could see it all at once and not have to visit every page individually.

Thing 9: Image Generators!

Message in a bottle generator

Etch a sketch generator

Playground sign generator

I chose these generators because they were all super easy to use and pretty fun too! When I created these all I had to do was put in the text that I wanted displayed and then hit change image. It was so easy! And there were TONS of different images to choose from. They all could be used in the classroom as little reminders for the students like wash your hands before lunch, or make sure to clean up your area after craft time. Teachers could even use these to label their centers in their classrooms.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Thing 8: Mashup!

Wooden Brick Letter W Wooden Brick Letter e Wooden Brick Letter L o Foam rubber stamp letter v studio g Stamp Set Block Letter E Magnetic Letter S Brick letter c letter H Brick Letter O Rubber Stamp Letter O Wooden Brick Letter L
            Flicker mashups are great! I love how easy it was to creat any words you want. They could be used so many ways in the classroom! Future teachers could have their students use Spell with Flickr for their spelling words each week. Students could also have to write a story using this site. It teaches students how to use a web 2.0 tool and is something fun for them to do.

I like the idea of being able to share photos online. It's a great way to keep connected with family and friends. As a future teacher, I also think it would be a great way to share photos of students with their parents who might not be able to go to the Christmas play or on the field trip.

Thing 7: Flickr!

Flickr was a little more complicated than I anticipated! It took me a while to find this image and it did not want to upload! But with all that being said, I prevailed, and Flickr isn't too bad after all. I really enjoy that fact that I can see multiple photos related to the same subject area at once. It gives the viewer a broad range of choices. This can enable someone to pick the photo that best fits what they are looking for. Also, Flickr is a great way to keep all your photos in one place. It also allows other people to veiw, comment on or add your photo to their favorites.

Photo credit:

Thing 6: Photobucket!

I chose Photobucket as my web 2.0 tool. I really like how easy the site is to use. It's free, all you have to do is sign up. You can search the site for pictures. You just type in the subject of the picture that you're looking for and it will bring up pages of images related to that subject. What i found very useful was that when you find the picture you want to use you can hover your mouse over it and several different options will come up under the photo such as who posted the photo, it's image code and html code for you to copy directly. This way you don't have to continually save photos onto your computer. Teachers could use this in their classrooms as a way to have students find pictures to make a collage project or even have them look up a photo that related to their spelling words that way it's a visual to go along with the word. Photobucket is a great site, and I might just start using it myself!

Thing 5: Web 2.0!

Web 2.0 means the future of education to me. These tools are being created by the masses and there are thousands out there to access. So why not take advantage of a free resource? Web 2.0 tools can help you to engage your students in every day lessons. Things students might not be interested in normally may become fascinating to them through using a web 2.0 tool.

School 2.0 seems to be a wonderful thing to me. By being able to have your students not only interact in the classroom but also at home and throughout the community is a very powerful thing. Future teachers will be able to teach their students so much more than just the normal every day lessons. School 2.0 will provide a way for every student to learn in the future classroom. Students who may have struggled before will be given the opportunity to succeed with this powerful tool. Although school 2.0 might not be in every school or classroom today, I believe that over time it will eventually reach every school in some way or another.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thing 4: Commenting!

Commenting helps create a sense of community because everyone is interacting with each other. By commenting on someone else's blog, you can let them know what you think about their post. You can also comment on someone's blog to give them advice on a problem they may be having such as  they're having a problem with a student in the classroom, you might be able to tell them how you delt with the same situation. Like the articles said, comenting lets someone know that their blog is being read and someone is interested in what they have to say. I also learned that commenting is a way to sort of put your blog out there as well. When you comment on someone else's blog, if you mention your own, someone is likely to go look at it.

I chose to comment on 23 Clark Things...Words to Live by by Kelci Clark. I commented on her blog specifically because she said she had an easy time with creating her blog. When I commented I told her that I was glad she had an easy time creating hers because mine was difficult and confusing. I also told her that I like the way that she had titled her blog because it was very creative and that when I named mine, I couldn't come up with anything creative.

The next blog I chose to comment on was Bellofatto's Blog by Sammantha Bellofatto. I commented on her blog because I liked the ways that she had said she could use her blog. She had said that she could use her blog for her students parents and students as well. When I commented, I told her I liked the idea of both parents and students being able to use the blog because it would give the parents information and it would also expose the students to blogs and how they work. She also had mentioned that she didn't know where technology would fit in in the future classroom, I told her I agreed with her, but I'm sure that future classrooms will be even more filled with technology.

I then chose to comment on Blair Evans' Blair's 23 Things.  commented on her blog about web 2.0 tools. I chose to comment on this post specifically because I haven't looked into too many web 2.0 tools yet, and she made a few statements that caught my attention. When I commented I told her that I hadn't looked at too many web 2.0 tools, but that I agreed with her about future classrooms truly embracing these tools. I also told her that I believe the reason for this is because students are always more interested in what they know, and the internet and technology  are definitly part of children's interests.

Shanna's 23 things by Doshanna Richards was the next blog I chose to comment on. I commented on her post about Flickr and how you can use it in the classroom. I chose her blog because I really liked the way she used all the different applications of the site. In my comment I told her how I liked the different activities she had come up with and that by doing all the different things she's using the site to its full potential.

Technology and Teaching with Mrs. Crouch by Kayla Crouch was the last blog I commented on. I chose her post about Google simply because I had no idea that Google can do all the things she talked about! It was crazy how much I learned just by reading her post. When commenting, I told her that I honestly had no idea that Google could do all those things, but at the same time I now know that it's a great source for planning and other things, other than just looking something up!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thing 3: Future Blog Uses!

In my future education program I could use a blog to learn about ways other future teachers are getting prepared to teach. In my future classroom I could have a classroom blog for the parents to look at with weekly assignments and pictures from activities the students had done. I could also use the blog to post important worksheets or tools for parents to use at home with their children.

Thing 2: Blogging is not so easy!

When I was creating my blog, I knew that I didn't want to post my entire name, so I decided to shorten it to my first initial and last name. When choosing my URL I decided to use APSU future teacher because that is what I am. Creating the blog was some what complicated. I've never used a blog before, so I didn't know much about using it. Creating the avatar got a little confusing since it is on a different site and you have to transfer the information. I decided to create an avatar that looks like me. Since this is my blog, I wanted it to represent me and what I actually look like.

Thing 1: Life Long Learning!

The easiest learning habbit for me would be to have the end in mind. I'm a goal setter. I like to know what I'm working. I like to break things down into steps, so I know that after each step, I'm a little bit closer to my final goal. The hardest learning habbit for me woud be to have confidence in myself as a competent and effective learner. When I'm learning something I always wonder if I'm retaining the right information and if I'm focusing on the real key points. I always seem to get it somehow, but the entire time I wonder if the information I have is correct and if I've used it the right way.